Yep, 0.5.3 is released! Thanks to your feedback, we've managed to squat some more bugs and add some improvements: - Traffic shaping description adjusted (it's per connection, not overall)
- Added OpenSSL check in the installer
- Installer finds more tools, and autoselects the URL and locations
- Installer now looks for a dbconfig.php and uses that info as default values (easier upgrading)
- Improved rename in view files
- Add possible IP check to bind session to IP
- Groups get selected from /etc/groups instead of free form text field, in config
- Bugfix in newsgroups where time 0:00 would not be shown
- Added marking the newests sets since previous login
- IPv6 support improved and tested, for both URDD and newsgroup access
- Speed up in update newsgroups
- Fixed a minor bug in downloading articles counter
- Minor speed up in downloading
- Improved downloading newsgroup list (speed up and memory usage limitation)
- Changed usenet server configuration, for future multi server support
- Some small bug fixes in URDD
- Some fixes in urdd_client (added status, version)
- Added buttons in browse to the bottom ;)
- Enabling / disabling of the urdd scheduler added to config screen
- Fixes to the debug page
- And last but definitely not least: Added background stripes for a more classy look :)
Biggest change is probably the IPv6 support, and it's pretty darn solid. Both of us have been using it without problems. Too bad probably only 1% of the URD users would be interested in IPv6 support for now... In a year or 2 maybe more ;)
Check it out on the download page! |
'T is true, we have moved our subversion from SourceForge to Google's 'Google Code'. Why? Several reasons really! Short list: - SF is not very user friendly
- SF is not very admin friendly
- SF doesn't keep us 'up to date' about stuff
- SF is sometimes buggy
- SF is pretty often 'non-functional'
Few months ago, all accounts needed to 'change their passwords for security reasons'. Just admit you were sloppy enough to get your user database hacked, IMO. Admin accounts aren't remembered, so every time you have to login again. Few months ago (again), admin's couldn't edit their wiki as you would log out as soon as you reach it. One of the cooler features of SF is the statistics (yes, we're statistic-whores). These have been down for almost a month now. So, we've decided to give Google Code a try. You can find the link in the Links section, if you're interested. It doesn't really have much info on it, as we now have everything we need on But we don't have subversion here so that's the main raison d'etre (= french) for our Google Code account :) |
You've read it.... 0.5.3 to be released, probably within a week or so. Most interesting new feature is IPv6 support :D Combined with the fact that several usenet providers have free access for IPv6 users, you can cut down in costs or go up in retention if you're using your ISP's usenet servers. Only requirement is that you have IPv6 ofcourse :P Furthermore, there are several bugfixes, installer improvements and other "usual stuff". Nothing really shocking though. (Security improvement: you will be able to bind cookies to an IP address so there's less chance if someone hijacking your session) Oh! Almost forgot, Spearhead discovered a way to speed up updates (quite a bit!) by temporarily disabling INDEX-ing on the tables during updates! So that should cut down in CPU load and/or update times :) So hang on and stay tuned for the next release! |
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